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Lay This Drum!


Salle des fêtes | Café-théâtre




Non-verbal musical show / accessible to all languages


For all audiences aged +8

Dates and times

  • Friday 16 August 8pm



Full price: €25
Groups of 4 or more people: €20

Under 30s

Full price: €16
Groups of 4 or more people: €13

Reduced rate

Full price: €10
Groups of 4 or more people: €9

Subscription (from 5 shows)

Price per show

Adults: 19€

Under 30s: 12€

Reduced rate: 8€

And also...

  • Optional buffet meal at 6.30pm (booking required)
  • Afterparty Concert from 10pm : O’Juliette

Cie du Scopitone

In an explosive, energetic, all-female show, Lay This Drum! challenges the concept of “gender” in contemporary society and dismantles male/female stereotypes by engaging in every playing field.

The show

From body drumming to unconventional instruments like cans of motor oil, nail boards, and buckets of paint, and from stiletto heels to construction boots, every collision, rub, and strike finds its place on the stage.

Lay This Drum! offers a rhythmic exploration of identity in the modern world, with a central question driving the performance: “Can women truly excel in percussion?”

In the press

A “Belgian girl band” that packs a punch.

  • Paris Match Belgium


They are 5, they are Belgian, and they rock! Lay This Drum! is a new 100% female percussion show. A world premiere.

  • Marie Claire Belgium


A show with a bang. […] Five girls making some noise! Five women behind the drums, dismantling stereotypes with humour and boundless energy.

  • L’Avenir

The team

Original idea Gaëlle Swann | Performers Olympia Boule, Birgit Eecloo, Sara Moonen, Aurélie Simenel, Gaëlle Swann | Staging Pierre Lafleur | Rhythmic concept Gaëlle Swann | Technicians Ruben Olownia and Yves Hauwaert | Set design Sullyvan Groussé | Additional music Paul Pasquier

Produced by Compagnie du Scopitone in coproduction with Chambellan Production – Live Diffusion

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